Friday, September 22, 2006

Hillary Clinton for President?

I must pose this question..should Hillary Clinton climb the political bean pole and run for president? I have been a Clinton supporter all along. I was happy when she won as a senator in my state. I even predicted when Bill Clinton buried his presidency in scandal, that it would be something if Hillary one day divorced Bill and ran for president. She didn't divorse Bill and I am glad..but she's more than likely going to run for president. I am very torn on the question. There is nothing I would love more than to see a woman have a good run at president and I think Hillary Would be a good president. However, there are a few things that concern me. Without a doubt the republicans will drag the Clintons through the mud again in a ruthless and vile usual. The American people fear a re-run from the past. Another concern...I am sad to say that America may not be ready for a woman this time. The biggest concern I have is "What if she loses". I think she has a fair chance of winning...depending on which republican runs opposite her. If Hillary becomes the democrats pick and she loses then the republicans continue to run the show...and boy what a show it has been! I want to vote for Hillary in '08 but I cannot do it if I think she can't win. I wish I didn't have to say that but it is too important a race. My guess is that she will wait until after she wins in November to start getting more aggresive...that is my hope anyways.

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